
Press Release
Dili, 9th May 2024


In reference to the article published by on 4th of May 2024, titled “Konsidera Viola Akordu Komtratual, ENERPROCO Lori TIMOR GAP bá Tribulal Internasional Arbritajen”, TIMOR GAP, E.P. hereby clarifies the following: It was with absolute surprise that TIMOR GAP was made aware of the article published by HATUTAN concerning an alleged dispute between TIMOR GAP and ENERPROCO and mentioning facts that are false or that are described in a biased and incorrect manner. TIMOR GAP’s current management and staff were not contacted by HATUTAN and did not provide any information to the latter relating to the alleged dispute.

It has also come to TIMOR GAP’s attention that a press release was issued by ENERPROCO on the same matter, the content of which appears to be mirrored by HATUTAN’s article. In light of the deceitful and misleading nature of such publications, TIMOR GAP’s management, in a spirit of full transparency, has decided to issue this press release to restore the truth and clarify some basic facts in connection with the alleged dispute, defending the honour and reputation of TIMOR GAP. In 2020 a Service Agreement was signed between the previous management of TIMOR GAP and ENERPROCO following direct award. ENERPROCO is a consulting services company based in Houston (Texas) in United States of America. ENERPROCO is not, and was never, an investor in Timor-Leste. As part of the Service Agreement TIMOR GAP and ENERPROCO subsequently entered into a sub-Service Agreement for Technical Evaluation of Bayu Undan (BU) Field Phase 2 CCS on 16 May 2023.

The duration of this subsequent contract was 19 months (from May 2023 to December 2024). Due to what appear to be serious irregularities in the procurement process in the award of the contract to ENERPROCO, and other relevant factors, and in accordance with its contractual rights, on 18 October 2023 TIMOR GAP issued a termination letter to ENERPROCO, exercising its rights provided under the Service Agreement. In the same letter of termination, TIMOR GAP also requested the immediate suspension of all activities related to the Agreement for Technical Evaluation of Bayu Undan (BU) Field Phase 2 CCS. The termination letter was acknowledged and accepted by ENERPROCO on 25 October 2023.

Following the termination letter, in order to adequately protect the rights and interests of TIMOR GAP, TIMOR GAP requested ENERPROCO to submit reports with reference to the agreed scope of work for TIMOR GAP technical review and to confirm if the work claimed by ENERPROCO had indeed been carried out under the scope of the agreement, and the payments could be processed. As of today, TIMOR GAP has paid all undisputed invoices issued by ENERPROCO under the agreement, having TIMOR GAP’s new management made payment of 5 invoices to ENERPROCO since it was appointed. ENERPROCO also benefitted from other TIMOR GAP projects from October 2020 to October 2023.

TIMOR GAP was surprised to see ENERPROCO issue a public press release informing that ENERPROCO has filed an arbitration request with the Court of the International Chamber of Commerce, in Singapore, especially considering that discussions and clarifications between the ENERPROCO and TIMOR GAP technical teams were still ongoing regarding deliverables of works performed after the issuance of the suspension of work notice. TIMOR GAP repudiates ENERPROCO’s statements concerning TIMOR GAP and the underlying commercial relationship and ENERPROCO’s alleged rights, which was unlawfully conveyed to the public with the sole purpose of harming TIMOR GAP. Therefore, TIMOR GAP will firmly and relentlessly assert its rights in the appropriate forum.


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Komunikadu Imprensa
Dili, 9 Maiu 2024


Refere ba artigu ne’ebé publika husi iha loron 4 fulan-maiu tinan 2024, ho títulu “Konsidera Violasaun Komtratual, ENERPROCO Lori TIMOR GAP ba Tribulal Internasional Arbritajen”, TIMOR GAP, E.P. hakarak halo klarifikasaun tuir mai: Ho surpreza TIMOR GAP hatene kona-ba artigu ne’ebé HATUTAN publika ba disputa entre TIMOR GAP no ENERPROCO no mensiona faktus ne’ebé falsu ka deskreve parsiálmente ho forma ne’ebé la loos. TIMOR GAP nia jestor atuál no funsionáriu sira la hetan kontaktu husi HATUTAN no la fó informasaun ruma kona-ba disputa ne’e. Alein de ida ne’e, lori mós ba TIMOR GAP nia atensaun katak komunikadu imprensa ida-ne’ebé ENERPROCO fó sai ho asuntu hanesan, ninia konteúdu hanesan mos ho artigu ne’ebé iha HATUTAN nian.

Haree ba publikasaun ne’ebé la ho faktus no la loos, jestor TIMOR GAP nian ho espíritu transparénsia tomak, deside atu fó sai komunikadu imprensa ida-ne’e hodi hatur lia-loos no klarifika faktus báziku balun ne’ebé relasiona ho alegasaun disputa ne’ebé iha, hodi defende onra no reputasaun TIMOR GAP nian. Iha tinan 2020 asina ona Akordu Servisu ida entre jestor anteriór TIMOR GAP no ENERPROCO ho tipu kontratu ajudikasaun direta. ENERPROCO nu’udar kompañia ne’ebé fornese servisu konsultor (consultant service), nia baze iha Houston (Texas) Estadus Unidus Amerika. ENERPROCO la’ós investidór ida iha Timor-Leste. Faz parte husi Akordu Servisu entre TIMOR GAP no ENERPROCO, husi parte rua ne’e halo Akordu seluk ida hodi halo servisu ba Avaliasaun Teknika Kampu Bayu Undan (BU) Faze 2 CCS nian iha 16 Maiu 2023.

Kontratu ne’e nia durasaun mak fulan 19 (hahú husi Maiu 2023 to’o Dezembru 2024). Tanba hare ba irregularidade sériu iha prosesu aprovizionamentu ba kontratu ne’ebé fó ba ENERPROCO, no mos fatór relevante sira seluk, no tuir nia direitu kontratual, iha 18 Outubru 2023 TIMOR GAP fó sai karta terminasaun ba ENERPROCO, ezerse nia direitu sira ne’ebé prevee iha Akordu Servisu mensionadu iha leten. Iha karta terminasaun ne’ebé hanesan, TIMOR GAP mós husu suspensaun imediata ba atividade hotu-hotu ne’ebé relasiona ho Akordu Avaliasaun Teknika Kampu Bayu Undan (BU) Faze 2 CCS nian. Karta terminasaun ne’e hetan rekoñesimentu no simu husi ENERPROCO iha 25 Outubru 2023.

Hafoin karta terminasaun, atu proteje direitu no interese TIMOR GAP nian, TIMOR GAP husu ba ENERPROCO atu aprezenta relatóriu sira ho referénsia ba ámbitu servisu ne’ebé konkorda ona ho TIMOR GAP ba revizaun téknika hodi konfirma servisu ne’ebé ENERPROCO deklara hala’o ona tuir ámbitu Akordu ne’ebé iha, hodi bele prosesa pagamentu sira. To’o ohin loron, TIMOR GAP selu ona fatura hotu-hotu ne’ebé ENERPROCO fó sai tuir akordu ne’e, no jestor atuál TIMOR GAP nian halo ona pagamentu ba faturas 5 ba ENERPROCO. Alein de ida ne’e, ENERPROCO mós hetan benefísiu husi projetu TIMOR GAP sira seluk husi Outubru 2020 to’o Outubru 2023.

TIMOR GAP surpreza uitoan haree ba publikasaun iha media nasionál kona-ba pedidu arbitrajen husi ENERPROCO ba Tribunal Kamara Internasional Komersiu, iha Singapura, wainhira diskusaun no klarifikasaun entre ekipa téknika ENERPROCO no TIMOR GAP sei kontinua la’o hela, liuliu kona-ba servisu sira ne’ebé hala’o hafoin TIMOR GAP hasai karta notifikasaun ba suspensaun servisu ENERPROCO nian. TIMOR GAP la simu deklarasaun ne’ebé ENERPROCO halo kona-ba TIMOR GAP relasiona ho pagamentu ne’ebé ENERPROCO hato’o ba públiku. Tanba ne’e, TIMOR GAP sei afirma nia direitu sira iha forum nebe apropriadu.


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