Media Release April

Wednesday, 17 April 2024


The Sunrise Joint Venture (SJV) participants, comprising TIMOR GAP (56.56%), Operator Woodside Energy (33.44%), and Osaka Gas Australia (10.00%), following a global contract procurement process has awarded the Greater Sunrise Concept

Study (the Study) contract to Wood Australia Pty Ltd (Wood PLC).
The Study will be led by Wood PLC with a multi-disciplinary subcontracting team comprising of specialist consulting partners.

The Study will consider the key issues for developing, processing, and marketing gas with a strong focus on delivery of gas to Timor-Leste for processing and LNG sales or the alternative of delivery of the gas to Australia.

It will include a range of disciplines including engineering, financial assessment and financing, local content, strategy and security, health safety and environment, and socioeconomic analysis. The Study will evaluate which option provides the most meaningful benefit for the people of Timor-Leste.

The Study will be conducted in an impartial manner and, importantly, will not provide any recommendations to the SJV. It is targeted to be completed by no later than the fourth quarter of 2024.

In addition, the SJV and the governments have continued to make progress towards agreeing a new Production Sharing Contract, Petroleum Mining Code and fiscal regimes, which upon finalisation will assist with providing fiscal and regulatory certainty.

Background: The Greater Sunrise fields, located approximately 450 km north-west of Darwin and 150 km south of Timor Leste, comprises the Sunrise and Troubadour gas and condensate fields.

Christine Forster
M: +61 484 112 469
E: [email protected]


Quarta-Feira, 17 de Abril 2024


Partisipante sira husi Sunrise Joint Venture (SJV), ne’ebé kompostu husi TIMOR GAP (56.56%), Operador Woodside Energy (33.44%), no Osaka Gas Australia (10.0%), hafoin halo tuir prosesu aprovizionamentu kontratu global, fo ona kontratu Estudu ba Konseitu Greater Sunrise nian (Estudu) ba Wood Australia Pty Ltd (Wood PLC).

Estudu ida ne’e sei lidera husi Wood PLC ho ekipa subkontratu multi-disiplinar sira ne’ebé kompostu husi parseiru espesialista sira.
Estudu ne’e sei konsidera kestaun prinsipál sira kona-ba dezenvolvimentu, prosesamentu no merkadoria gás nian,no foka maka’as ba lori gás ba Timor-Leste hodi halo prosesamentu no fa’an LNG, kompara ho alternativa lori gás ba Australia.

Estudu ne’e sei inklui disiplina oin-oin inklui enjeñaria, avaliasaun finanseira no finansiamentu, konteúdu lokál, estratéjia no seguransa, seguransa saúde no ambiente, nomos análize sosio-ekonomiku. Estudu ne’e sei avalia opsaun ida-ne’ebé mak fó benefísiu signifikativu boot liu ba povu Timor-Leste.

Estudu ne’e sei hala’o ho forma imparsiál no, importante liu, sei la fó rekomendasaun ruma ba SJV. Estudu ne’e sei remata iha trimestre dahaat tinan 2024.

Aleinde ne’e, SJV no governu sira (Timor-Leste no Australia) kontinua halo progresu hodi bele konkorda ho kontratu foun ida kona-ba fahe produsaun (PSC), Kodigu Mineiru (PMC) no rejime fiskál sira, ne’ebé sei tulun hodi fo serteza fiskál no regulatorio.

Kontestu: Kampu Greater Sunrise, lokaliza maizumenus 450 km parte noroeste husi Darwin no 150 km iha parte sul husi Timor-Leste, kompostu husi kampu Sunrise no kampu Troubadour ne’ebé mak kontein gas no kondensadu.

Christine Forster
M: +61 484 112 469
E: [email protected]


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