Hahú kedas iha tinan 2011, TIMOR GAP, E.P., kontribui ona ba dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku no sosiál Timor-Leste nian, hodi optimiza ita-nia rekursu naturál sira ho forma sustentavel liu.

Rui Soares
Rui SoaresPresident & CEO
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"In this next chapter, our aim is to build a bridge between the achievements of past leaderships and the strategic goals of the new. Our focus remains undeterred: to cement robust partnerships within the oil and gas sector, unlocking and magnifying the inherent value of Timor-Leste's energy resources. In doing so, our ambition is not merely the growth of TIMOR GAP, E.P. but also the flourishing of our cherished nation, Timor-Leste".
Rui Soares
Rui SoaresPresident & CEO
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"In this next chapter, our aim is to build a bridge between the achievements of past leaderships and the strategic goals of the new. Our focus remains undeterred: to cement robust partnerships within the oil and gas sector, unlocking and magnifying the inherent value of Timor-Leste's energy resources. In doing so, our ambition is not merely the growth of TIMOR GAP, E.P. but also the flourishing of our cherished nation, Timor-Leste".
Greater Sunrise